Friday, March 6, 2009


I had this fabulous idea to meet up earlier (at 4pm instead of 5pm)with my trainer Sham being that I had an appointment at 6pm. Well,that "fabulous idea" sure did backfire on me. I arrived at the fitness room super tired yet excited. I hopped on the treadmill and starting chatting away with my fitness bud Michelle.

In came "him" know, my trainer.. the one that is responsible for me walking like a baby dear this morning. He instructed us to hop off the treadmill and follow him outside.

"What? Why???" I asked

"We're going to be training outside today" said Sham

I thought to myself, this is NOT what I signed up for. My diva side was totally coming out lol. Ugh, no skin moisturizer on my face, its cold,whyyyyy do we have to do this, WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!?!

We crossed the street, and there we stood waiting for instruction from Sham. He started us on a "warmup" that consisted of high knee skipping,an exercise that involved our knees up then ending with a kick (i felt super silly doing this btw), and the 3rd was a side skip and we were to remain low the whole time. Wooo what a warm up!!

NOW... time for the workout... Ladies and Gentelmen I believe at this moment Sham should've presented me with THIS...

Whiner Pictures, Images and Photos

HAHA! I started doing pushups while Michelle RAN up this steeping sidewalk and had to come back to me then we switched off. I believe we did 2 sets of on/off switching which included situps, and squats AH...!

The total workout took us 19minutes.. and I about DIED, no I'm not over exaggerating. I never felt so much out of shape. Time to get back on track!! No more excuses!! =)