Sunday, April 26, 2009

Foods I Indulged in This Weekend--Should I Feel Guilty?

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? You know, if you eat right 80 percent of the time, you should be OK to treat yourself the other 20 percent of the time? I don’t know how I feel about this rule... I mean, in theory, it should work. But personally, I’m a little suspicious. When it comes to food, I tend to behave in extremes--either really good, or really bad. I’m afraid if I abide by something like that, I’ll end up justifying my penchant for cookies or ice cream every afternoon and every night…

My trainer Sham Sanghera always reminds me that its ok to have interruptions or treats as LONG AS I EARN IT.The weird thing is that normally, when I earn it, I tend to not want it afterall. Unfortunately my "great thinking"this weekend has left me with serious bloating problems. Not to mention the spot right under my ribs is really hard when I press on it, and feels really uncomfortable.

Aside from investing in a personal trainer I've also come to find out that aside from being phenomenal my trainer could almost be a holistic Dr. (well in my eyes lol ). Sham helped diagnose me with a condition called Candida, if you're not too familiar with it. I encourage you to do some research on it. In a nutshell I've come to find out that I have serious hidden food allergies,I've been putting my body through so much pain and causing my intestines to flare causing HORRIBLE back pain.

OK,OK... Back to this weekend (I sometimes think I have A.D.D lol)

I was feeling the absolute need to be able just get crazy with foods I really shouldn't be eating. . I’m trying to be really deliberate about the indulgences I do pick and to enjoy them fully.

But after this weekend, the pain I experienced the morning after has really woke me up. My body is SCREAMING at me for putting this junk in my body. i feel sick, my stomach wont stop being so upset, and my back pain again has gotten the best of me..

Heres the foods that I basically sold my soul to yesterday:

1.4 tacos with the works, 2 sides of spanish rice,2 sides of beans, 2 sides of potato salad YUMMMMY... Will I be having it again any time soon? Nope! But the memory will linger...

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2. A HUGE piece of champagne birthday cake! (I know , I know I cant believe I went back to this relationship, even if it was for only 10 minutes)

3. A kid’s-sized serving of chocolate chip ice cream (yum!)

Not ideal, but I haven't fallen off completely and I dont plan on doing that either! When you indulge in something, do you feel guilty? Does it completely throw off your healthy eating habits for the whole day, or the week? And how do you handle interruptions to your normal eating schedule?