Thursday, May 7, 2009


WOW! What a great week !! Tuesday I weighed in and I've lost a total of EIGHT, yes EIGHT lbs in 3 weeks!!I'm so happy to see the evidence of the changes I've been feeling--the strength of my thighs, including the newly articulated muscles I'm starting to see. But it wasn't until I met with Sham today and he brought out the tape measure that I felt real pride. I didn't believe him when he told me I lost over EIGHT inches "Impossible," I thought , and he even re-measured to double check. I looked down at my arms--not to check out my biceps, but because the hair on my arms was standing straight up; I had goose bumps, I thought, Is this really happening for me? Could I, Priscilla Corona, who once thought she was destined to occupy more space in the world than she ever cared to, really be shrinking? It still doesn't seem real, and while I'm learning it's actually difficult to accept the thing I've always wanted, I am more motivated than ever to keep on keepin' on! Do you guys agree that seeing progress is the biggest motivation to keep reaching toward your goals?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I think I've gained weight...

Uh-oh. Since attempting to reach my mini goal of losing 5 pounds by May 1st, I must admit seeing results so fast I've celebrated a bit. Gotten kinda lax with staying away from the evil fatty foods. Had an extra small dessert, or two. Skipped my workout Sunday and this morning because I was bone-tired(not to mention I had a sugar coma from Sunday).

I feel puffy. I feel afraid to get on the scale tonight. I I've gained weight. Then again, it could just be in my head.

Time to get back on track, tonight the truth will be revealed when Sham measures and weighs me eeeeeeeek!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Do you keep a food log?

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When I first started training with Sham I wrote down every single thing I put into my body. Like, if I ate a crumb from a cupcake at my office , I'd record it. And I didn't just write "almonds"--I wrote exactly how many, exactly what time of day, and if I happened to be surrendering to my emotional eating habits (munching because I was feeling anxious--not hungry!), I'd note those feelings, too. I can't tell you how much writing it all down made me accountable and aware of what and why I was eating. And it made me face the hard truth: Those cupcake crumbs add up! It also helped me make adjustments to get more of the types of food my diet was missing and also cut back on less of the sugary, late-night snacks I had a tendency to binge on.

I have to admit, in the past couple of weeks(maybe longer eeek), I've been a slacker about keeping a food log (my workout partner Michelle is a Food Log Guru LOL). I've been doing my best to keep a mental tally, and so far I think I'm doing okay, but I'd like to start writing things down again so I don't fall off track.

How 'bout you guys---do you keep a food journal religiously? Has it made all the difference with your weight-loss goals?

Friday, May 1, 2009

What's inspiring you?

So I'm becoming a super tight fitting t-shirt junkie lately! My latest splurge? NOTHING! LOL! I'm waiting to weigh in to buy myself a special "prize".

And I'm totally obsessed with this quote that I saw while browsing online...

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Do you guys have any favorite inspirational quotes that help you stay on track with your fitness goals?