Saturday, May 2, 2009

Do you keep a food log?

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When I first started training with Sham I wrote down every single thing I put into my body. Like, if I ate a crumb from a cupcake at my office , I'd record it. And I didn't just write "almonds"--I wrote exactly how many, exactly what time of day, and if I happened to be surrendering to my emotional eating habits (munching because I was feeling anxious--not hungry!), I'd note those feelings, too. I can't tell you how much writing it all down made me accountable and aware of what and why I was eating. And it made me face the hard truth: Those cupcake crumbs add up! It also helped me make adjustments to get more of the types of food my diet was missing and also cut back on less of the sugary, late-night snacks I had a tendency to binge on.

I have to admit, in the past couple of weeks(maybe longer eeek), I've been a slacker about keeping a food log (my workout partner Michelle is a Food Log Guru LOL). I've been doing my best to keep a mental tally, and so far I think I'm doing okay, but I'd like to start writing things down again so I don't fall off track.

How 'bout you guys---do you keep a food journal religiously? Has it made all the difference with your weight-loss goals?