Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My "Fat"astistic voyage... grrrrr...

I havent updated this blog in so long, I've decided today to make this part of my daily routine. Why? Many reasons, but the most important one...I have fallen off the bandwagon BAD, and I feel this is the only way to hold me accountable. 3 weeks ago, when I was being persistent and diligent with what Sham was asking I was seeing GREAT results, now I'm starting to slowly gain everything back that I've worked so hard for. Is it my awesome trainers fault? Absolutely not! All fingers point back to me..

Whats my weakness? Well, obviously food... just all the wrong kind. What am I doing to earn the food I love?? Nothing!!! Thats right, let me sit back and have 3-4 cookies,2 slices of pizza, kick back and relax... let all that food absorb into my body and settle in REALLY nicely into pure fat! Why do the good choices I need to make seem so far out of reach for me? Am I THAT lazy? Surely, its been hard to incorporate my core exercises and 30 minutes of cardio into a daily routine (I havent been in the best of health lately) but my eating habits are NO excuse.

I'm starting to slowly poison myself with all the food I know I should be staying away from. Processed, high sodium, loaded with sugar foods. I'd be lying if I said I didnt feel good while eating them, because I do... its how I feel after that gets me. Guilty, disgusted, my choices are slowly creeping up on me taking away that "GEEZ I LOOK GOOD" feeling. One thing I HAVE been keeping consistant with is my water intake, I cant live without my 96 oz =).

You might’ve noticed that I haven’t posted any photos of myself in my blog. I’m feeling like a stuffed sausage in my clothes, so let’s just say I haven’t exactly been in the mood to say, “Hey, take a photo of me for my blog!” to anyone.

My friend Kelly just sent around pictures from her birthday party over the weekend. When I saw this photo, I cringed. I just "untagged" the photo on Facebook and almost crawled under my desk to hide—no way in heck was I going to post it on here for all of you to see.

But then, I figured, it’s time to face it. This photo is my reality check, and I decided to post it because

A.) it’s me, and I cannot hide who I am, ever... and..

B.) it reinforces what I’ve felt all week: my eagerness to get back to all the healthy habits I’ve developed over the past few weeks so that a little relapse doesn’t turn into a titanic regression.

So here it is—puffy face, puffy waist:

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